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by (5,625 points)
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My friend did a lot of bestiary and he still complains that he has the worst left (e.g. frosty asura)... but You can check who has done the most in the game?

by (4,301 points)
Interesting quest, well done!

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (17,282 points)
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No, from my knowledge there's no way of knowing who has the most bestiary points in the game it's not under highscores. You can't even see your friends bestiary progress even if you add them as a friend on Tibia. I know there's a tool to track your bestiary on a fansite here: https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/mine You can share your bestiary with your friends as long as your registered to this fansite you'll be able to access the tool. You can change the language on the website by pressing the books that are currently displayed on the north west corner of this page.
by (4,301 points)
That was my doubt, if we could see from our friends at frrined list
by (1,846 points)
You can change option of language northwest corner of website, its not workin everywhere on website but on Bestiary tracker it does as i can see atm.
by (5,625 points)
you can see the bestiary tracking on tibiopedia of your friends :) here is my bestiary list https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/user/Tynka/1,Tynusiiaa
by (4,301 points)
Anyway this is not official information =/
by (17,282 points)
yes it can be inaccurate for sure, hahaha. also i updated my answer to reflect you can change the language. i used this website a lot and always try to google translate everything..thanks for letting me know there's an option available at times. :)
by (5,625 points)
@lehula dohon of course not, but it's only tip for ppl who need check bestiary with friends :)
by (340 points)
Highscore for total charmpoints would've been nice. But since we don't have it I will share the two players I know that have completed full bestiary: Bogus Apocalypse  & Lord Valeta.

Can be confirmed by checking their title "Executioner" which is given to those with a completed bestiary.
by (5,625 points)
wow, really all monsters or all runes? :) yes I know about this title.
by (17,282 points)
Wooow how did they even