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by (1,184 points)
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With the Fire-Feathered Sea Serpent world change, we can obtain four orbs:

  • The Orb of Darkness Eternal, the Ender of Time
  •   The Orb of Life Everchanging, the Child of Blood and Laughter
  • The Orb of Light Undying, the Father of Creation

The Orb of Light Undying provides very nice yellow light, which I would like to use as decoration. However, I already finished the quest, and used mine.

Is it possible to obtain more than one of each orbs, like other quest items with 20h cooldown or similar? Or is it stricte one per character?

Related question: https://www.tibiaqa.com/4656/how-can-i-get-orb-of-darkness-eternal

by (5,625 points)
I edited a title of question a little for all orbs, not only for undying :)

1 Answer

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by (5,625 points)
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I have been working for a long time to find the answer to your question. And I did it! You can get all of these orbs from Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest again. They don't disappear and they can be obtained multiple times.

* you need to spawn the Renegade Quaras status to start. We have to ask NPC Guardian of the deep seas about Beseeched. just like the spoiler. If you completed the quest you should wait for this stage again and ask NPC.

 The Orb of Darkness Eternal we get it after using mind stoneon the statue, then we get achievement and orb. you can repeat this many times during the mission "besecheed" by writing to the NPC 'lost darkness orb'. remember that each orb 'costs' x1 mind stone.

The Orb of Life Everchanging You can get it, when you use seacrest pearlon the special altar. Of course, you need a new pearl every time. You must have always open "beseeched" mission, but you don't need this stage to make orb! There's no cooldown for this orb.

 The Orb of Light Undying This is the last orb and you need bottle of gloo to do it. You can do it more than once after completing the quest, but you also need a "beseeched" stage every time you want to do it.  When you have the stage "beseeched" and the bottle with you, go to the portal. You can many of these only during "besecheed" when you ask the npc about "lost orb of undying" and repeat the process.

Of course, I highly recommend that you make these orbs as a decorative item. look at that light! the green and yellow versions are perfect for lighting effects! but as a stack decoration itself, it also looks great.

more about Twenty Miles beneath the sea quest on TibiaStyle.

by (1,184 points)
I saw them in few houses as decoration, I'm sure they are not dissapearing. My problem is, if I could get more of them with single character. I know only, that I can't repeat the mission with character that already has done the quest. Thank you for answer anyway!
by (17,282 points)
she updated the answer a little bit ago :)
by (5,625 points)
this quest have many changes so I updated it one more time haha