+3 votes
by (56 points)
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During recent Rapid Respawn Event I've managed to unlock 700 additional Charm Points (1,288 CP in total) on my lv210 EK and I'm wondering which Charms I should unlock next since I've got Dodge already months ago and it works really good for me.

I was thinking about getting Parry but I've done my own research and asked friends from guild. I'm kind of a solo player, hunting same spawns every then and now, so Parry seems pretty useless on my level for me since I won't be able to use its whole potential. Saying this I started to consider unlocking Offensive Charms like Wound and maybe Freeze (I'd need to farm ~100 additional Points, but that's not a problem).

What do you think about this? I'm open for all opinions. 


3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,044 points)
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I would unlock these in the following order:

  • Parry: pretty good if you are surrounded by the same creature
  • Wound: Most of the creatures in game are neutral or weak against physical damage, so this one is good for creatures with a lot of HP.
  • Freeze

There is this post witch a similar question: https://www.tibiaqa.com/814/what-are-the-best-charms-for-each-vocation

But I have to say that I totally disagree with the 'best answer' LOL

by (56 points)
That's the problem. Every post etc. I've read was for '300-400 ek' or even higher lvl. Mobs I'm hunting solo always die fast, maybe in approx. 2 spell rotation so Parry seems a waste for me on this lvl.

Post by '4everEliteKnight' seems nice.  Wound into Zap, since I'm a Club user.
by (5,044 points)
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So if they die fast is because they have not much hp, so wound/zap would be a waste as well.
But charms are not about level but vocation. You will have them for ever in your char, so you have to be smart and buy them thinking about which ones will be more useful in the future too.
For example, my first charm was 'poison', I didn't think it twice... and it was pretty useless for me after I leveled up a little more. Lucky me, right now I can use it on a creature I hunt daily.
0 votes
by (6,878 points)
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Best answer

If you dont wanna get the Parry, take Wound and the reasons is easy, the are only few mob who are not affected by physical damage and the second option Freeze, because the most regular creatures are weak to Ice.

by (56 points)
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Is Freeze worth for a Club user? I have Resizer (Ice dmg) so it would somehow double itself and other elemental Charms would give more possibilities on hunting other mobs with some elemental dmg bonus.
by (6,878 points)
If you want get more option to deal damage take the Zap, by the same reason of Freeze.
0 votes
by (8 points)


You need to know what type of creature you are going to hunt. There are a few types they are resistant, neural or strong against an element. 
If you are a high-level knight I would recommend these charms they make extra damage if you are not hunting the most dangerous places for you. 
And of course PARRY is a good choice if you are able to hunt with others and you are on defence mode. It gives you lots of reduced damage at all. 
Don't forget that some creatures are able to block and parry the spell so sometimes having one charm can be dangerous. 
