+1 vote
by (15 points)
I would like to know what is the most efficient way to do powergaming, the idea is to have a "formula" to get the maximum exp per day, regardless of spending on prey, boost.

For example, I start playing on SS, spend the 3 hours of stamina, is it worth playing more on that day? or better to recover the stamina to level up when is fully charged?

How do the top levels make the most of their daily exp? do they level up only on green stamina? or do they use 100% stamina?

It's a curiosity I've always had, please share your experiences.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (249 points)

Well, you can take an example from Dejair Invencivel, the guy who does more exp per day than anyone else...

He hunts 4 hours a day (+1h from stamina extansion), using 4 boosts, with prey on the bests raw exp/hour hunts...

The results is that he is closing in on Bobeek/Goraca level every day...

He died this month, and even losing 500kkexp on he's death, he still did more exp than Goraca, that didn't die.

Exp Dejair Invencivel:

Exp Goraca: 

He will probably be the top exp on tibia in several months...

Top levels will always only play on green stamina, they use stamina extansion for that 1h+, and on contrary of what people think, most high levels don't think its worth to rush it on a double exp or something like that, because is better to be consistent, instead rushing on a double exp weekend and not having stamina for the rest of the week.

by (495 points)
edited by
Player Dejair Invencivel played 213h 30min last month (31 days), which gives 6.88h per day. So he is using that resting area bonus I assume.
Source: https://guildstats.eu/character?nick=Dejair%20Invencivel
by (249 points)
Well, time online is different than hunting time... He can be online recoverying stamina on he's house using training weapons on a dummy, or on depot/house refilling he's supply for hunt... but effectively he just hunt 4h/day on average.