+3 votes
by (2,271 points)

Just bought Groundshaker and was wondering if its a better option than using a GFB or some other AoE rune? How much damage does it put out compared to these runes? Is there anywhere you know of where the damage values can be calculated?

Assume mana use is not a factor here

Any help much appreciated

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (479 points)
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It is better than any AoE rune, yes, except in cases where the monsters you are killing are strong against physical damage and you are using a weapon without elemental damage.

The damage range of the grounshaker spell is close to the one made with Exori but you can hit more monsters at the same time, so it is a must in your spell rotation as a knight when you are killing 8 monsters or more in every pull.

You can see how much damage you can do with your skills/level using the Hits calculator from Guildstats (here is the link: https://guildstats.eu/character-hits) it shows the damage range of both your spells and AoE runes.

by (2,271 points)
Exactly what I was after. Great answer and thank you :)
by (2,564 points)
One semi-important aspect you are missing is the fact that you can aim with AoE runes to hit monsters that are even off your screen. Groundshaker area of effect is relatively small and only concerned around your character.
by (479 points)
Yes that's true, but I think the only time it is convenient to use AoE runes over grounshaker spell is when you are luring monsters before you get to the pull, because during that time, when you are running, some of the monsters are far away from you and you might miss most of them with the groundshaker spell or you might have to stop for a few seconds and receive damage if you want to wait for them to get closer to use the spell.
by (2,271 points)
Thats a good point and not something I had even considered. As a EK I don't usually distance shot a lot unless its whirlwind throw